Thursday, March 20, 2014


" If Little Girls Ran The World, Could It Get Any Worse"

" Recognition", Acrylic and paper on canvas, 71" x 55"

Involved in numerous on-going projects, Lisa Renko actively pursues and investigates ideas and directions thay she feels authentically challenge established art lexicons. Innovation, she has observed, isn't always obvious, obscured by labels of "contemporary", alternative", progressive", "outsider". descriptions that imply a departure from the conventional, but applied without vigilant awareness,  result in paradigms that are formulistic and predictable, rarely surprise, let alone engage the viewer. To pursue such investigations, she believes that one must engage confusion and chaos, and acknowledge them as evolutionary agents

And a Sculpture blog


Oh and I found all those "art statements" from prior art existences of mine.Totally unreadable. I tried to remember what the hell I was talking about, and I expected other people to understand them ??  Well the art world requires them, which is so irritating, can't the  work just speak for itself. 

 I feel more free of all that nonsense lately, entered an online show, my work doesn't really translate under that umbrella, what to do??

Context matters

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


A new blog for somewhat irreverant  doodles, drawings, notes, insights, in the context of current events -  NEW YORK TIMES